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All of these books except "Is Jesus Everything?" are published in paperback, Kindle, and Nook. go to: or

Is Jesus Everything?

Jesus did and is doing a lot more for the true believer than shed His blood to wash away their sins. He has many roles to play in our daily Christian walk.

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Resurrected, Christ in Me

I have named this work, “Resurrected Christ in me”, because to be crucified with Christ and resurrected Him in you is the subject thread throughout the book and also none of these spiritual thoughts will penetrate or work for the reader unless the reader is willing to entered into the crucifixion and resurrection written about in Rom: 6:3-11.

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Transformed, 121 Bibical Articles

Introduction These articles are unique in that you will not find them to be repeats of former articles that you have read. Nor will you feel that they mimic the average sermon you may have heard. For they have been written from the prophet’s perspective. They were inspired by God and their intent is to open the eyes of the people to see what the Bible really says and what the Bible really teaches. TIME SAVING – for the earnest inquirer, all Bible text is included in the articles. This is a distinctive and very handy feature, but it has added to the cost of the book.

Download Art - Transformed, 121 Articles  for website.pdf

Bible Living Quiz Book

It's an open book study therefore each question’s difficulty is based upon the student being able to read and understand the answer—an e after the number means it is easy, no letter after the number means it is average, and a d after the number means the question may be considered difficult. The multiple choice is important to provoke the student's thinking. One purpose of this study is to show the Truth as apposed to what is generally assumed. Double points if the player answers correctly before reading the answer. There are 701 easy, 174 average, and only 89 difficult questions.

Download Art - BLQB for website.pdf

The Ultimate 'How To' Book

This book is a Bible compilation of 'How to(s)'. There are 53 'how to(s)' from the Old Testament and 122 from the New Testament. 175 'How to(s)' in all. The reason for the book is that we (society) have become dependent on 'how to' information, yet the best source, the Bible is the least consulted on the matter. This book not only shows that the Bible has a lot of 'how to' information in it, but it also compiles that information into easy reference.

Download XB - The Ultimate How To Book.pdf

The Mind of Christ

Col: 2:6: As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: Since Christians are to walk as Christ walked, the necessity to think as Jesus does is evident. Jesus overcame by thinking this way and we will overcome the same way. The following scriptures teach us to think as Jesus thought. And to walk as Jesus walked.

If the world hateth you

Download If the World Hates You.pdf

Sylvia Huffnagle - minister The Father/child Covenant Relationship  Romans 6-8 Grace Sowing and Reaping Biblical Balance Apologetics Apologetics II Biblical Balance End Time Warnings End Time Warnings II Author's Pitch Page Download About e-mail me